Finance And Investments Finance And Investments

Avenue de Tervuren 168, 1150 Brussels

Ms Barbara Reypens, Senior Investment Officer

+32 2 776 01 00

[email protected]

BMI/SBI is an investment company whose objective is the medium to long-term co-financing of foreign investments by Belgian companies worldwide. The Federal Investment & Participation company (SFPI/FPIM) is the majority shareholder together with the National Bank of Belgium and private shareholders such as BNP Paribas Fortis, ING and Electrabel.

Created in 1971 BMI/SBI has invested in over 300 projects in more than 50 countries. BMI/SBI’s activities are oriented towards the creation and financing of foreign subsidiaries or joint ventures by Belgian companies, both greenfield projects as well as acquisitions or the development of existing companies.